November 23, 2011

A Lazy Day and a Day Trip to Rothenburg.

The weekend came faster than Sydney and I had expected. We hadn't made any plans for the weekend and we were still going back and forth on what we actually wanted to do. By the time Friday came around, we decided, due to the lack of money in our bank accounts, that we would just hang out at the apartment and look into doing some day trips for Saturday and Sunday. 

With that, Friday night after work, Sydney and I prepared ourselves for what should have been an exciting night of Grey's Anatomy. Unfortunately, Grey's wasn't new, so we decided to just lay around instead. Our internet ended up working pretty well, and for the first time in a lifetime, Jenny was actually online! We spent the next three hours skyping, finally being able to catch up with one another! I think I passed out about thirty seconds after we got off the computer!

Saturday morning was the first day I actually slept in late- without waking up multiple times throughout the night. I finally got up a little after eleven and got cute for a day out in Graf. Sydney and I ended up walking to find the Outdoor Rec facility to find out some information about an upcoming snowboarding trip we were thinking about participating in. After searching for it for a good half an hour or so, we gave up and headed over to the library to check out some movies and books. Heading back to our apartment afterwards, we ended up grabbing our roommate Michelle and headed off post to check out some stores and little shops around the base itself. It turned out that a lot of the stores were closed by the time we got there, so we ended up just walking around Graf. By the time we made it back to our apartment, the only purchase I made was for some hand and foot warmers. Making some dinner, I spent the rest of the night reading a new book.

Sunday morning, we hopped out of bed, got dressed and waited for our PC Andrea to arrive at our apartment. Taking her car to Pressath, we jumped on a train and were on our way to Rothenburg. Having not really researched Rothenburg prior to our day trip, I wasn't sure what to expect when we arrived. Getting off the train, we followed the signs toward the old town and came upon the entrance to the town. Being one of Germany's most preserved Medieval Towns, the entire city is surrounded by a stone wall which was divided up by large towers. Taking the 101 stairs to the top, we were able to get a great view of the town as a whole, not to mention get some great pictures! From there, we wandered the streets, checking out a few different stores along the wall. The city itself looked like something out of a fairytale. Not only did it physically look like a charming place, it is Christmas every day! There was Christmas shops, Christmas trees, and Christmas treats in the different cafes and bakeries. After a few hours, and having spent a little more money on souvenirs and clothes than we had planned, we decided that it would be best to go back to the train station. By the time we made it back, we had literally missed the train by two minutes, which required us to wait another hour till the next one came. I used this opportunity to explore the surrounding area and take some pictures! The train ended up coming a little while later and we made our journey back to Pressath! Getting back to our apartment, we spent the rest of the night getting ready for work, reading, and comparing our new purchases with one another.

It was another great weekend in Bavaria! :)

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